Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dr. Julie Levy supports TNR...

Dr. Julie Levy or someone claiming to be she, categorically denies my accusations, except for admitting she is a cat freak and supports TNR. I will go on record as having apologized for my rash statements, except for her being a cat freak and about the effectiveness of TNR, which seems to have left us with a deficit of billions of native birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and fish. Here is my original (and rash) statement.

Dr. Julie Levy is a cat freak, as well as being on retainer from some of the cat enabler organizations and makes millions selling books to them. Can you say bias and conflict of interest? She has yet to explain how TNR and perpetuating cat colonies stops the killing of our endangered birds and other fauna. An extensive euthanasia project would end the suffering on both sides, rather than perpetuating it. I'd certainly donate generously to it.


Anonymous said...

Although I admit that I might be a "cat freak," I am not on retainer for anyone and I have not written or sold any books. I do support TNR and manage a program in which local vets and citizens volunteer to provide free sterilization surgery and vaccinations for 3000-4000 community cats each year. I understand that are many who disagree with what we do, but you might want to check these facts posted in your "reality based blog©."

-Julie Levy

Bird Advocate said...

Assuming you are Julie Levy, I will apologize for exaggerating my statements without thoroughly researching them, as I normally do. At the time I posted the statement I was extremely angered by a post from one of your supporters.
I assure you I know anger is no excuse for sloppy research. Considering your admission of one of my accusations, that of your being a cat freak you may have a sense of humor. If so, you may wish to explain to us how the use of your name and credentials to legitimize TNR and perpetuating cat colonies stops the killing of our endangered birds and other fauna? Free sterilization surgery and vaccinations for 3000-4000 community cats each year are a mere drop in the bucket when our native fauna are going down feline gullets at a rate many estimate at a billion or more each year.